Kanata Homes
Location - Location - Location
Don't Let This Be You - Research your Neighbourhood before you buy.
The neighbourhood you choose is just as or even more important than the home you choose to live in.
We have designed this site to share the amenities that what we feel are important you know about when moving to the area. These are what makes our neighbourhood an ideal place to live.
We generally choose the neighbourhood first but do we really do the research we should. Most people don’t and it is unfortunate when you only discover that the neighbourhood it is not exactly what you thought it was until after the move. Your house can be fixed up or modernized but you may not have a lot of influence in what happens in your neighbourhood.
A great neighborhood should include amenities like grocery stores, restaurants, shops, schools, parks, employment. Most experts will tell you that what you visit frequent;y should be within a 15-minute walk or a 5 to 6 minute drive.
Convenience contributes a great deal to ones quality of life.